To Be in this World But Not of It
Every once in a while, I find myself pondering the meaning of one of the greatest teachings in most spiritual traditions. That is, how to be in this world, but not of it... The more we delve deeply into spiritual practices, the more we notice emerging differences in ourselves, perhaps very subtle at first, that become more established in our behavior and practices over the course of time. Things that once mattered, seem to do so, even less, and less, as time goes on... I considered this, as I visited the river this morning, on a day that was sunny and warmer, even though there was still some crispness in the air. The sky was blue, and the river itself more reminiscent of a plate of glass on which birds seems to skate artfully and effortlessly, oblivious to everything and everyone. I soaked in the stillness and the quiet, remembering how Adyashanti, a well known and beloved spiritual teacher, often suggests that we should try to find some time for stillness and quiet in our quotid...