Walk Around the Lake

On Friday, I was in the water by 6:30 AM, and it was absolutely delicious. I came back and sat for a two hour meditation that was just as exquisite. When I came out of my morning meditation, I found an email waiting for me in my inbox from a friend who had been kayaking around the lake that is very close to where she lives, about the same time I was kayaking in the river that is just as close to where I live...

Frederic Brussat and his wife Mary Ann have a lovely website which features all kinds of wonderful and inspirational insights and suggestions - all related to spiritual practice. In one section of their site, they list a number of suggestions for summertime practice. Here is an entry on this list:


In one of his poems, Wallace Stevens observed: "Perhaps the truth depends upon a walk around the lake." Ponder that thought as you circumnavigate a lake, a pond, a field, or even your block. Just the experience of moving puts things in perspective and enables you to take in the big picture.

I think of the many insights that have come to me by meditating by the banks of the river, or communing with its healing currents. If I had the opportunity to be by the ocean more often, I know I would seek out its comfort as I did while visiting Cape Cod last summer.

Make it a point to visit a body of water this summer and be open to whatever gifts you may receive!

Visit the Spirituality and Practice website:


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