Be the Light

I sit in meditation at the noon hour, and I am amazed at how we receive exactly what it is that we need, at precisely the time and the moment that we need it...There are no coincidences...

During the evening last night, I read a Twitter post, and found myself almost adding it to the end of my entry yesterday, because it went so well with it:

"The kingdom of heaven is within you."
Luke 17:21

Yes, so true - the kingdom of heaven - and indeed - the whole universe is inside of each and everyone one of us - seeking self-expression in every thought, word, and deed...

Yes, truly, all that I need is inside...Everything will someday pass away...All that remains is Divine in its Essence...And that is at the heart of who we all are...

I tune into my breath - using the mantra - "Ham Sa" - "I am That" - I am One with the Divine - on the inbreath and the outbreath...

Breathing in, I mentally say "Ham" - and it comes to me that the breaths are like the ebb and the flow of the tides - the "Ham" - like the high tide - and the "Sa" - like the low tide - both necessary and complementary - like the "see saw" principle we refer to so much in Anusara Yoga. We draw the tops of the shins forward - but the tops of the thighs back. We draw the shins in - but the thighs out. This is how we create balanced action in our bodies...And now, in my sitting, I create balanced action in my breathing, and in my soul as well...

The breath connects me to the Light inside of me - it invites me to become that Light - and embody the Light in who I am and what I do...

I reflect on a blog entry by a friend, who contemplated on the Season of Lent as one inviting us to remember that we are Light - and to the Light we shall return!

I can think of nothing more beautiful than this - we are Light...

We breathe to remember that we are Light...The Light is inside of us...

If each one of us shines the Light inside of us just a little brighter, the whole world will become truly incandescent!


"If each one of us shines the Light inside of us just a little brighter, the whole world will become truly incandescent!"

Your writings were truly inspired this week my Teacher :D

Olga Rasmussen said…
Thank you dear friend! Hope to see you this week!

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