There is a Time

This time of year, many of us attend graduations. Schools end their scholastic year and Memorial Day officially ushers in the summer. Life is full of beginnings and endings. There is a season to everything. And a time as well...

There is a time to embrace
And a time to let go

There is a time to move foward
And a time to step back

There is a time to step into the light
And a time to recede into the shadows

There is a time to begin
And a time to end

There is a time to resolve
And a time to bring closure

There is a time to engage
And a time to let things be

There is a time to be active
And a time to go within

My journey has required in its most recent phase that I:

let go
step back
experience closure
let things be
and go within

All of these experiences were needed and part of a birthing process I could not see or perceive.

There is a time to see
And one where sight is taken

There is a time to understand
And one to live with ambiguity

The gift of life requires that we experience it all to become most fully whom we are meant to be. We must hold all our experiences in our hearts in dynamic tension - in a place devoid of opposition where instead, all things merge.

There is a time to proclaim
And a time to be

There is a time to give
And a time to receive

In the process of living and experiencing all that we do - our empathy, our compassion, and our love is deepened and finally seasoned...


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