Everything in God: The Journey Begins

I am poised to begin the Lenten journey once again, ready to commence it with a seal of ashes tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. Such an ancient ritual - but for the past few years it has been a time of personal growth and recommitment for me...

A few years ago, I gathered my Lenten entries from over the years and forged them into a collection I titled, Everything in God and God in Everything...

I repeat those words today, as a mantra...

"Everything in God and God in Everything."

As in other years, Maha Shivaratri, the Great Night of Shiva, observed by many friends, also coincides with this journey...

Years ago, a friend gave me a photo with this quote:

"I do not know what it calls me to, but I recognize the Voice."

I truly do not know what - or where that Voice calls me to - but I know I must respond and go where I am led. It has become more insistent and persistent over the years...

The Voice speaks. It beacons. It invites me to a journey. It will be long. It has been long.

"Here I am. I am ready. Speak. Your servant is listening."

I look, as it if were - downstream on the river, as I paddled so often - cognizant of where I had been and where I needed to go, at the time.

I have learned the destination does not matter. It is all about the journey...

The journey begins once again. And in many ways, I have prepared for it - not knowing what it will call me to - but knowing I must go...

I think of a dear friend, on her way to India, being called there in spirit by her teacher - dropping everything at once, and responding by traveling half way around the world, because she listened - deeply - always ready for the next invitation in her journey. It is a lesson to me...

There is no place, and no destination...

Rumi, a recently read book, and my own Guide remind me:

"Everything you need is already inside you...

"Everything in God and God in everything..."


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