Through Different Lenses
"We do not see the world as it is,
we see it as we are."
This sacred insight, or something similar to it, has been attributed to several sources, including the Talmud. I cannot verify its origins offhand without delving into some research. But it's source is not pertinent - the essence and reality of its message, is.
Earlier this week, I reflected on a recent conversation I had had, during my walk. It was evident that my friend and I saw a series of events quite differently. I asked my Guides on the Other Side to help enlighten me. How was it possible that I could be so wrong?
In the quiet stillness of an early morning, the answer came, gently, but clearly...
"We do not see the world as it is,
we see it as we are."
Yes. True. I knew that. But there must be more to it all...
Then the Thoughts and Words continued...
"We see through different glasses..."
How so?
"Think of your eyesight and how it has changed over the years. Remember how you felt every time you got a new set of glasses? You saw more clearly - and you saw things you had missed before. It felt like stepping into a new world. A different world...
What is it like when you pick up someone else's glasses? Isn't it amazing how you might see more clearly? But more often than not, your vision becomes even more blurry - or you find that it almost hurts to see through that set of glasses... You cannot see through them as someone else does...
You cannot see what others see in the same way they do. You have had different life experiences. You have been shaped by different sets of circumstances...
But conversely, others cannot see things as you do either. Your 'Sight' both physically and spiritually, is simply different...
And sometimes, we need to see with different eyes: the eyes of our heart, and the eyes of our soul...
What you both see, is neither right nor wrong, it is just different. Your perceptual lens is different. You see what you need to see and need to learn. That is all. Every event is a lesson or an experience you needed to have - here, now. In this lifetime...
You are simply seeing through a different set of lenses - the set that is right for you, and no one else...
But to see more clearly, you must widen your perceptual lens."
I immediately relaxed. There was no need to feel sorry for what happened. Or need to over analyze the situation. Or scrutinize it in any way. It all simply was, what it needed to be, for myself and my friend.
I thought of all the times in the past that I beat myself up, or felt guilty - or both, because of what I perceived to be my own failings. But it simply wasn't necessary to do this. Instead, I needed to be more aware of myself and my actions and thoughts, residing more fully in each and every Present Moment, and just allowing life to unfold as it was meant to be.
I breathed a sigh of relief, and gave thanks to all my guides and angels, always assisting me, through insights, and messages, and encounters. Ask, and you will receive...
Today, listen more. Be aware. Ask. And receive. Then integrate!
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