Throw Your Spear into the Heart of Fear!

In my last entry, I shared with you the aftermath of my cataract surgery, and how the results were not quite what I had expected and how it made me very fearful.

As a result, I started doing this practice, which I am about to share with you,  to deal with my fears about the outcome of my first surgery, and other fears I was struggling with as well.

Like many of you, I too, have struggled not only with fear, but with anxiety and depression as well over the years. In so many ways, they are all related.

This "practice" literally came out of nowhere.

Well, it always comes from somewhere. Sometimes we are simply inspired from the Other Side when we need some extra help. It always seems to come. If we are willing to be still. And just listen.

The image that came to me was this...

I saw myself as Gal Gadot in the movie "Wonder Woman" - complete with her spear and shield. I loved her in that movie.

I visualized the object of my fear in front of me.

I took my spear and aimed it directly at the center of the object in front of me.

As I did so, these words unexpectedly sprung from my own depths:

"I throw my spear
into the heart of fear!"

Then I got up and ACTED it out.

Yes I did!

I became Wonder Woman holding my shield with one arm, and my spear in my other hand. I took aim and threw my spear as forcefully as I could into the heart of the matter that I had envisioned, giving it form, practically yelling out loud - thank goodness I was by myself:

"I throw my spear
into the heart of fear!"

I watched it dissolve. I basked over its remains as it shriveled up and died.

Who knew I had it in me?

That's it. A crazy and very simple practice. But guess what? It worked!  Now I am throwing my spears at all kinds of fears! What the heck! People are throwing axes these days - right?

This year, throw YOUR spear in the heart of fear!

And watch them dissolve and disintegrate!


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