A Blessing in Costco

 For years, actually for decades - a man has worked at my Costco checking the receipts of departing clients.

Every time he checks a receipt he pauses. and looks into the eyes of the customer on his or her way out and simply says "GOD BLESS YOU!"

I don't know anything about him. I guess from his name tag, that he may hail from a Middle Eastern country. Over the years his accent has soften and blended more into its surroundings.

It is always a treat to see him and be in his line because he is so present, and genuine, and I know he has spent a lifetime offering blessings. I often wonder how this simple and humble practice began in his life. Perhaps I will know in due. time. But probably not. It doesn't really matter.

As I watched him bless the person in front of me, on this January 6th, which many celebrate as the Feast of Epiphany, when the Magi brought their gifts to a humble child they had been lead to seek, I decided I would give this man a gift. The same gift that he had given many. I waited for my turn, and then he took my receipt. Before he looked up and before our eyes met, I said to him:


He looked up, paused for a fleeting second and replied back:


Here we were, two beings, perhaps from opposites sides of the planet and experiences, but we stopped for a moment to acknowledge each other and offer blessings.

Today, and really - every day - stop for a moment and offer someone a blessing. Send it far and wide. You never know who may need it today. It might change their life forever.

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#meditationsimple #mindfulness #spiritualpractice #meditationsimple #blessing


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