Triggers are Gifts

 If you are anything like me, you are probably easily triggered. By the silliest of things.

Some of mine are: The noise my hard of hearing husband makes in the morning as I am trying to meditate. Or, towels that are not folded "correctly." Or, the overflowing neighborhood cars parked in front of my house. I'll fret over a hypothetical situation like - what if a workman is repair something that happened overnight? Where will he park?

We all have thoughts and concerns that fill our minds - many of which we can't control - and others which we simply want to control all of the time. Sometimes I remind myself, that NO ONE appointed me Master of the Universe! A hard reality to swallow!

But the reality is, that the things that upset us most about others are things we harbor within ourselves that need our attention and that we need to change. In other words, others hold up a mirror to where we need to do our own work to further our growth.

A couple of days ago, as I was exasperated at all these things I found annoying and irritating - all of them rather silly, I exclaimed to a Higher Power - the Universe: "When will all this stop bothering me?"

And then the answer came so quickly it surprised me: "When it stops bothering you!"

Ah! So, only I can stop this pointless exercise in futility.

And so I told myself, "This has to stop! NONE OF THIS is in any way important!" Really. In the grand scheme of things, this needless worry was taking up oxygen and precious inner resources. And then, I felt an almost immediate sigh of relief.

For a simple practice today, examine the things that are most triggering you. Pick one, and decide you are done with letting it take up free rent in your brain.

Then, start to chip away at the stack systematically. Revisit periodically as needed and you start to let go of all the thoughts that do not serve you.

Practice, and enjoy!

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