This morning, I used the theme of coming into greater balance in our lives as we enter either the Advent Season leading up to Christmas - or prepare to celebrate Hanukkah. Both of these celebratory events create the sense of anticipation in the hearts of young and old alike. Unfortunately, we get so wrapped up in the commercialism of this time of year - that we often forget the true significance and meaning of these celebrations.
What we need during this time, is to bring our lives into greater balance to appreciate the season. And what better way to do that in our yoga than by practicing balance poses?
I invited my students to open their hearts to greater balance as we worked with many different and challenging poses: Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, Vrksasana, Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanansana, Vashisthasana, Natarajasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana and many others as well.
Everyone began rather wobbly and one student almost considered bolting when she heard what we were going to be working on. Ironically, these very same poses have a way of pulling us out of balance as well as bringing us back into balance as well. We must soften and surrender - and draw in strongly and root to find that sweet place of balance. As every homeopath knows - sometimes the required medicine for a condition is the very poison itself.
I reflected on this again as I walked a silent labyrinth after teaching in the morning. Once more, as I have every time I have come by myself this year, I had the labyrinth all to myself to walk. This time - even without music. I thought of the symbolism of this, particularly during a year I walked my path largely alone. Truly, for each and everyone of us - our path is largely one we undertake by ourselves...
As I walked in - asking for greater balance in my life - I realized that for the most part I was focused on my little segment of the labyrinth - wherever my feet were placed, and for the most part, my eyes were downcast. I could see nothing else but that part of labyrinth I happened to be standing on. Yet when I lifted my eyes and saw the entire labyrinth, I had a totally different and more expansive perspective. I imagined seeing with God's eyes - and being able to know the Divine order of things, even when it was not evident in the events I experienced in my daily life.
Any meditative practice - be it the discipline of yoga, or meditation, or something as simple as walking the labyrinth - can bring our lives into greater balance and wholeness - during this season especially. Rather than being caught up in the frenzy of shopping, spending, and attending to too many social commitments and their many demands - decide to make the time to do one thing regularly, that will bring your life into greater balance - as you prepare to more meaningfully celebrate this season.
What we need during this time, is to bring our lives into greater balance to appreciate the season. And what better way to do that in our yoga than by practicing balance poses?
I invited my students to open their hearts to greater balance as we worked with many different and challenging poses: Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, Vrksasana, Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanansana, Vashisthasana, Natarajasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana and many others as well.
Everyone began rather wobbly and one student almost considered bolting when she heard what we were going to be working on. Ironically, these very same poses have a way of pulling us out of balance as well as bringing us back into balance as well. We must soften and surrender - and draw in strongly and root to find that sweet place of balance. As every homeopath knows - sometimes the required medicine for a condition is the very poison itself.
I reflected on this again as I walked a silent labyrinth after teaching in the morning. Once more, as I have every time I have come by myself this year, I had the labyrinth all to myself to walk. This time - even without music. I thought of the symbolism of this, particularly during a year I walked my path largely alone. Truly, for each and everyone of us - our path is largely one we undertake by ourselves...
As I walked in - asking for greater balance in my life - I realized that for the most part I was focused on my little segment of the labyrinth - wherever my feet were placed, and for the most part, my eyes were downcast. I could see nothing else but that part of labyrinth I happened to be standing on. Yet when I lifted my eyes and saw the entire labyrinth, I had a totally different and more expansive perspective. I imagined seeing with God's eyes - and being able to know the Divine order of things, even when it was not evident in the events I experienced in my daily life.
Any meditative practice - be it the discipline of yoga, or meditation, or something as simple as walking the labyrinth - can bring our lives into greater balance and wholeness - during this season especially. Rather than being caught up in the frenzy of shopping, spending, and attending to too many social commitments and their many demands - decide to make the time to do one thing regularly, that will bring your life into greater balance - as you prepare to more meaningfully celebrate this season.