Cry Me a River

Last night, before going to bed, I came across a YouTube musical rendition of the the song, "Cry Me a River," sung by Susan Boyle, the singing sensation of the moment that I wrote about a few days ago.

Susan is nearly 48, has lived alone, and has the voice of an angel. She surprised everyone at an audition of the show, "Britain's Got Talent," and her unlikely discovery has touched millions of hearts all over the world. Perhaps her whole life was lived - for that one moment - to touch the lives of many, practically instantly. She melted stony hearts in a way most unexpected, that invited all who listened to her, to rise above their pettiness and preconceived notions of beauty - as their spirits soared into the fullest expression of their humanity. In that moment, and in its aftermath, we truly embodied a sense of oneness. How many - celebrities or presidents can claim to have done that - to have united the whole world as one beating heart, in an instant?

This song, was recorded 10 years prior, for a charity benefit. As I listened to it, I realized that this simple and plain woman, was gifted and blessed with one of the 3 or 4 most beautiful voices that I have ever heard. Very few can sing, and instantly move another's soul as she has done.

I thought of this song this morning, as I visited my own river in the fog. It was gray down by the riverbanks - all the rocks were hidden under muddy and swollen waters that reminded me of the Mississippi, and how I lived near its banks both in St. Louis, and in Minneapolis, decades ago...

Still, the river was beautiful - and the greening power of God - as Hildegard of Bingen would note - was evident. All was truly verdant!

I was captivated by the grayness and stillness, as I did several spiritual practices - chanting the Reiki Precepts and Ho'oponopono - an ancient Hawaiian teaching and practice for cleansing the soul. There are several variations, but the one I chanted today was:

"I love you.
Forgive me.
I'm sorry.
Thank you."

The idea behind this practice - is to recite it to God - and allow it to scrub your soul clean of that does not serve it. It is a wonderful practice to heal all sorts of situations. I've written before about the Hawaiian doctor, Hew Len, who emptied out a whole ward of psychiatric patients by chanting this - without ever having treated a single one of them! Every once in a while, I remember to chant - or pray this little mantra again, and I have shared it with many...

I have truly cried myself a river - down by this river. It has been a silent witness to hidden interior growth on so many levels.

One of the most famous renditions of "Cry Me a River," is by Ella Fitzgerald, who sang:

"Now you say you're lonely,
You cried the long night through
Well, you can cry me a river,
I cried a river over you..."

We are all cleansed - sometimes by crying a river, sometimes by spiritual practices - particularly those that invite and elicit forgiveness. Sometimes, we stand tall in the sunshine, as I did a few hours after the early morning grayness, feeling the rays of the sun burning off the mist and dew, and dampness of the evening rains, and whatever remaining tears might lurk in the deepest recesses of the soul...


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