A Borrowed Angel

I could not sleep last night. I tossed and turned, embraced by deep sadness...

In the first, almost feeble light of day, I heard a choir of birds sing triumphantly, and once more, I believed in the resurrection of the soul, and of love...

Yesterday, my dear friend AJ McIntyre, a wonderful Anusara yoga teacher, lost the miracle baby she was expecting, giving birth months before her intended due date. This child was born in the sign of Cancer, but was supposed to have been born a Scorpio - like me.

I call this a miracle baby, because she came to be against all odds, and so many of us who are "elders" within the Anusara community, embraced this welcome child into our lives and hearts as if she were our own precious grandchild or niece. We "mothered" AJ like a pack of hens. This one child brought together a whole community all over the world, both in life, and in her graceful transition into eternity, but not before she was given a beautiful name, Harper Grace McIntyre.

I drove in to Willow Street Yoga Center yesterday, in rush hour traffic to cover AJ's classes, doing something I should not have done - checking in with a few key persons, and getting updated on my cell phone.

I received the final news update moments before teaching. I was devastated - but somehow found the fortitude to teach - and we dedicated the most amazing practices for AJ, her husband Jeff, and their beautiful daughter, Harper Grace, going deeply into our hearts, joining our lights, and sending forth a shower of prayers and blessings...I was honored to be able to step into AJ's seat of the teacher, for hers is a big one to fill...

I can't explain why these things happen. And frankly, there are no words...But, one of the most beautiful things was, how this whole community came together - phone calls from all over the country were placed, Tweets, and Facebook messages were posted from all over the world - and Anusara practices were dedicated from all over. It is a testament to how well loved AJ is within this community - and how the "kula" - this family - this clan - rises to the occasion.

I think of this beautiful child who has touched so many all over the world - this child whose spirit now inhabits a legion of hearts everywhere. And truly, how many of us can say we have had this kind of an impact? Yes, Harper Grace, as her mother noted, "IS a piece of Grace watching over us!" She came into this world ever so briefly, as a borrowed angel, to remind us, that love is all there is, and that Love is a state of Grace, as she was so aptly named.


Anonymous said…
So beautifully put Olga. Thank you for putting words to our feelings. - Susana
Anonymous said…
Olga, what a beautiful tribute. Like Susana said, thank you for putting words to the feelings. - Joy
Leslie Salmon said…
Beautiful post - thank you for saying what many are feeling. I wanted so badly to meet and be part of Harper's life, if only from a distance. Now, as AJ so gracefully phrased it, she watches over AJ, Jeff and - I hope - the rest of us.
Anonymous said…
That is beautiful!

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