A Beginner's Mind, the Solar Eclipse, and New Moon

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to observe students who are training to be yoga teachers "team-teach" a class. At Willow Street Yoga Center, the "YTT's" have many opportunities to apprentice and teach, and they all take turns teaching the Community Class - a free yoga class that is offered every Saturday at Noon. It is Willow Street's way of giving back to the community, and for all of us who teach it, an opportunity for "seva" - that is, selfless service, as well...

Every week, I come to do this observation with a "beginner's mind." It is for me, an incredible honor to have been asked to help out my yoga community in this way. I like to remind myself of what it felt like to teach yoga, and be observed doing so, 14 years ago when I was training. Thus, I put the students at ease as soon as I arrive. I remember telling myself when I was first teaching years ago, that at least I was a teacher by profession and used to being observed, having begun my own career back in 1979. Still, teaching yoga was very different from teaching theology. Or at least it was back in the mid-nineties. In addition, I had to develop a whole other set of skills, like teaching the mirror image of a pose.

The observation I do, is followed by a lively discussion with the two teachers who split the class - one teaches the first half, and then assists, while the other teaches the second portion. I begin my remarks by looking for the good, and listing all the wonderful things I saw. Then, I give personal insights and highlights to each individual, followed by suggestions for both of them to deepen and improve their teaching.

Every time I observe, I find myself noting the areas I can improve in my own teaching as well. So, in many ways, this is an opportunity for me to grow as well, and reflect on those areas where I have become more lax...

Of course, these observations open the door to change and transformation - both for those being observed - and the one doing the observing...

This morning, I read a number of postings on the Solar Eclipse and the New Moon - both occurring today - and the unusual conjunction of planets not seen since September 11, 2001. Everything I read points the way to a time of great change, upheaval, chaos, non-traditional experiences, loss, and really - it was all about transformation on a scale perhaps not seen...

While a lot of what was described could seem frightening, I did not find it to be so. Perhaps because I have been experiencing some of these things described. One of the articles I read, suggested meditating, and keeping an evenness in one's emotions and so on, and giving intent to use the energies of the day in ways both useful and meaningful. This, of course, is certainly good advice generally...

This is a time for manifestation - for becoming most fully and deeply who we are meant to be. Perhaps you find yourself not satisfied with the way many things are in your life. Tune in and listen. Ask for clear signs. Ask to be shown the way. Invoke your guides, your angels, and loved ones on the other side - and ask them to help and support you. And with a beginner's mind - walk through the doorway into a richer expression of your dreams, your desires, and your life!


Lavonne said…
Dear Olga,

I'd been feeling just a bit off-kilter, and yesterday realized it was partly due to skipping my morning inspirational reading. Maybe it's also been due to the unusual planetary alignment!

This morning, these lines from The Bliss of Inner Fire, by Lama Yeshe, resonated deeply for me:

"When Lama Tsongkhapa finally died, he died perfectly...

"Can you imagine being able to die deliberately and clean-clear? When we die we leave a mess. We should motivate and pray that instead of dying like a cow, we will die as Lama Je Tsongkhapa died. This is our human right. Pray that instead of dying in a depressed, miserable state, you will die blissfully. Make the resolution, 'When I die, I will control my emotions and die peacefully, just as Lama Tsongkhapa did.' You must motivate, because motivation has power. When the time of your death comes, you will remember your resolution. On the other hand, if you don't have strong motivation now, you will end up shaking with terror and completely lose control when your death comes. If you have prepared yourself beforehand, you will remember what to do at the time of death."

Death is a frightening subject for many, and has been for me as well...but I find it comforting to think that when my time comes I can choose the "clean-clear" path.

Sending lots of love,
Olga Rasmussen said…
Check out this link on what is happening from an astrological perspective:


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