
Yesterday, in the midst of life's busyness, I nearly stopped in my tracks when I read this post by Marianne Williamson...

"Don't try to get your life together and then surrender it to God.
Surrender your life now and that's when it comes together!
Is there a part of your life you're holding onto,
thinking you can best run it yourself?
Simply think about it in your heart and surrender it to God.
This movement in your spirit will make all the difference."

It seemed so simple. Surrender. Do not resist. Surrender your need to have things be a certain way. Surrender your need to be in control. Surrender your wants. Surrender your desires. Surrender your goals. Surrender the outcomes. Surrender even your needs...

Byron Katie, in "The Work", speaks of loving what we have, and accepting what is, as being essential to our awakening, and our spiritual evolution and growth.

The Bhagavad Gita teaches, that we are only entitled to our actions, but never to the fruit of our actions, for those belong only to God. So, we should act in accordance to Divine Will, with no regard for our benefit, and without any sense of expectation. Neither should we seek attention, or recompense in any way...

I thought of true enlightened spiritual teachers, such as Mother Meera, who shine their light, giving darshan, without any monetary exchange or transaction occurring for that sharing. Their work is pure gift of the Divine to us. It is an act of surrendering to the Divine in every way...

In Reiki, my teacher Frans Stiene, always instructs that as practitioners, we should ask that our clients receive what is most needed in a treatment. We should ask those who come to us - to ask this of themselves, and as practitioners, we too, should ask this for ourselves as well...

I thought of the meaning of surrender again this morning, as I went down to survey the Potomac River, that is flooded all the way up to the parking lot by the boat ramp, and nearly to where the park benches are. I watched strong currents swiftly carry a huge tree trunk downstream, and reflected on the extensive damage the swollen Mississippi River has caused across several states in a way that has not been seen in generations. So many people have lost everything. And they can do nothing else but surrender...

It all comes down to surrender...

Surrender is a practice that unveils the true meaning of life and the heart of the Divine...

And so, I was moved to surrender everything in meditation as an added practice. Instead of asking for specific things for myself and loved ones during prayer, I chose to lay it all at the feet of the Beloved, and simply surrender it. May each and everyone be given what they most need in this moment, and all moments, according to their capacities. After all, who am I to ascertain what is best for anyone and ask for that?

To surrender...It is so simple, and yet so hard...

To surrender our desires, inclinations - all that we have been asking and praying for...To surrender our attachments to everything and everyone, and ultimately, even to our own ego...

Why should we do this?


"In the end you reach a state of non-grasping,
of joyful non-attachment,
of inner ease and freedom -
yet so wonderfully real."
~ Nisargadatta

"You will receive everything you need
when you stop asking
for what you do not need."
~ Sri Maharaj

Surrender...It is essential to the path of Spirit. It is required to know and embody only Oneness and Union with the Divine. It is the price. And it is the treasure. It is the Way. There is no other...

Simply surrender...Again, and again, and again...


ange said…
thank you for this powerful message, it comes at just the right time for me because i am in a place where what was is gone and i am asking what next? surrender is a good answer that i am ready to hear and do. ange
Olga Rasmussen said…
Surrender is such a powerful but difficult practice. Blessings on you Ange, as the next phase of your life unfolds!


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