Placeholders in Time
Sometimes we are meant to be placeholders in time or in space... Some of us are here to anchor energy and/or to send and shine light wherever it is needed... It implies that one must constantly practice non-attachment and let go of expectations and we constantly receive invitations to do so through various life experiences. When I visited the river early one morning this week, a dense fog blanketed the water's surface. As I prayed and meditated - bit by bit - the fog lightened and released it's essence into the sky. It was only then that the brilliant blue sky revealed itself in all its magnifence, occasionally punctuated by powdery white clouds. There is much I could share about this week. It has been full and rich and not without its blessings and challenges. And throughout all of my experiences, I was granted profound insights... For example, I realized that often when we give of ourselves, our time, and resources, we do...