Profound Insights
"There are moments you remember all your life."
This is one of those moments."
~ Barbra Streisand, Yentl
There are moments in your life when profound insights arrive unbidden...
There are times when you are granted clarity...
There are times when you are unexpectedly able to see your way through things, and everything makes sense...
On my walk today, I suddenly realized, that even when we feel most apart from others, we are still one with them. This realization came as I crossed over from a path onto a bridge, and glanced down at words recently inscribed on a wooden plank:
"You shall never walk alone."
Yes, even when we feel most estranged from others - and feel most pained - whether that pain is rooted in a "real" or imagined slight, or event - or a misperception - we are not apart from them and their soul essence. Even in that experience and moment, there is a fundamental unity perhaps occluded, waiting to be discovered in the core of that experience.
On another occasion recently, another insight came to me on a different walk.
St. Augustine once wrote, "It is solved by walking." And for me, this is often so very true...
Having a tendency to over-analyze and scrutinize situations, emotions, and so forth - I found myself trying to understand the lesson I was supposed to learn in a very painful situation. What was it that I needed to learn? And, had I learned whatever it was that I was supposed to learn in that situation and in this lifetime?
Out of nowhere, a "deep knowing" arose within manifesting as a Voice. And I heard:
"There is not always a lesson that must be discerned in situations or encounters. Sometimes, just the EXPERIENCE is the lesson."
This seemed to stop me dead in my tracks...
Wow! So, it was not always about trying to understand what something was all about - sometimes we just learn and grow through our experiences. Sometimes, we just need to FEEL something. And that is all... It certainly can teach us things - such as how to be more compassionate, or empathetic, even though that might not be the lesson or the reason in and of itself...
Sometimes, things just ARE... Sometimes we just need to feel or experience, and that is all...
This realization for me, felt real, and actually, very freeing as well. I no longer needed to scrutinize and try to understand everything I experienced or beat myself up if I didn't...
On another walk a few days ago, I thought about a brilliant family friend, devastated by dementia, wondering why this had to happen to him. And the insight came - that at the soul level - nothing was diminished or lost and everything was understood. And while on the physical level the effects of this disease were difficult to endure, the soul essence of the sick one was still whole and full and realized it. And at the soul level, everyone else does too...
There were other insights too, but I may share those at a later date. For now, I will let these marinate while I reflect on them for a while longer...