Placeholders in Time
Sometimes we are meant to be placeholders in time or in space...
Some of us are here to anchor energy and/or to send and shine light wherever it is needed...
It implies that one must constantly practice non-attachment and let go of expectations and we constantly receive invitations to do so through various life experiences.
There is much I could share about this week. It has been full and rich and not without its blessings and challenges. And throughout all of my experiences, I was granted profound insights...
For example, I realized that often when we give of ourselves, our time, and resources, we do so with an expectation of how it will be received or accepted - and our giving might even be colored by the vision of a certain outcome we might deem pleasing. But the truth is - that if you give a gift - you must do so selflessly. You must realize that a recipient may receive and fashion that gift to his or her own desires and liking - which might not bear any resemblance to your own. That's what makes it a gift. I found that insight to be very freeing on many levels...
I was also reminded that some of us are simply placeholders...
I revisited a teaching by Kryon I had heard earlier in the year and drew comfort from it. Often I wonder if I have indeed found and lived out my true calling. I told a friend years ago, when I was not in the greatest of health, that I felt this was my life's work - to anchor energy. I remembered it again this week. This is no small task, though it might not be noticed or recognized by others. Still, it was heart warming to be reminded of the fact that for some, being a placeholder is a vocation and is indeed, an important contribution to the well-being of the planet...
Yes, it was a good week - filled with insights, visits with friends, especially a few not seen in a long time. It was a time for re-connecting and being present. It was a time for letting go. For reflecting as well. And for praying for many. And, for anchoring space, time, and energy during transitional times...