Advent Unfolds

Advent unfolds... 

Quietly, deeply...

Advent is a time for waiting and preparing...

It is a time for the cultivation of peace, and faith, and joy, and love...

It is a time for healing...

And a time for renewal...

It is a time to set aside grievances and hurts, and to extend a welcoming hand...

It is a time to embrace, and to let go of all that does not serve...

Advent unfolds...

Surely, and mindfully...

Advent is a time for journeying and contemplating...

It is a time for deepening spiritual practices...

And a time for forgiving...

It is a time for inviting others into the space within our hearts...

And a time to take in and to listen...

Advent unfolds...

Inevitably, and silently...

Advent invites us to take stock of where we are, and where we've been, so - 

That we may chart a new course, for where we are going... 

It is a time for starting over...

And for giving birth to all that could be...

And can be...

Advent unfolds...

Day by day...

It is a gift that keeps on giving, and so meant to be shared...

It invites us to give of ourselves, as Jesus did - 

For the gift of life, is the ultimate gift...

Advent unfolds...

And you, and me are birthed anew, once again...


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