A Soaring Spirit in the Company of Angels

I begin the year by inviting angels into my sacred space...

I begin every new year with some kind of ritual...

For years, I began the year by walking a labyrinth in a church. After a decade of doing this, the church no longer offered this as a possibility, so I moved on to other rituals...

I believe that the energy you end a year with and the energy with which you usher in a new year colors that whole year...

So - last year, and this year - I began it by inviting angels and their energy into my life...

I know, it may seem silly to some. But if you don't like the concept of angels - then think of a Power greater than yourself - think of inviting in the the creative energies of the Universe. In other words, invite in whatever resonates...

Angels, like Hindu deities, are simply the embodiment of divine characteristics we wish to emulate or become. And what I find fascinating is - that since I literally opened the door to my home and my heart to the angels - everything I experience - everything I read - and  every message I come across, or "Tweet" that comes my way - seems to be focused on communicating angel energy...

An accident? Or a coincidence?

Does it really matter?

I think not!

The energy we invite in is simply the energy of Love. Is it not this that we seek to embody?

Each one of us, is a unique and irrepeatable manifestation of the Divine. Each one of us - is like a unique Hindu deity - each one manifesting a particular characteristic or constellation of gifts and qualities.

Yes, I begin the year by inviting angels - but they, in turn - invite me to become most fully whom I am meant to be. We are the ones we seek. We are constantly manifesting the attributes of angels to one another, whether we realize it or not...

I share with you, this wonderful message posted by Every Day Spirit, just as I began my angel journey. Last year that journey unfolded in ways I could not have imagined or expected.

And so, I open my arms wide into the future and doorstep of this year! Let my spirit soar! And may I meet yours as well, as we dance together, rejoicing - into the blessings of this coming year!


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