Everything is Inside of You

I gather together with prayer companions during the middle of the week, and before we enter deeply into our meditation, I hear the lone cardinal that often visits during these times, trying to fly in through massive glass windows. He too, has been part of this circle of prayer warriors over the years, and he seems bent on trying to catch my attention. I bring troubling concerns to this meditation, and then, out of nowhere, I shift gears stepping into an alternate universe where insights and peace flow freely, as I begin to settle in... Poetic musings begin to flow effortlessly, enfolding me in a current of grace, as a gentle reminder, that indeed, all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well, as Julian of Norwich has insisted, since the 14th century... "'The whole universe, IS inside of you. Therefore, ask all from yourself.' So wrote the poet Rumi. Everything that you need Is already within you - Waiting there patiently. All the lo...