Love and Acceptance

I believe we receive exactly the messages and insights we need, exactly when we need them. But, you have to be open to receiving those messages! Several times, in the last few weeks, I have received variants of the same basic insights. Yesterday, I drew two cards from the Tosha Silver deck of "Change Me Prayers." I only meant to draw one. But something told me to take one more. And here they are - Love and Acceptance. May be I be changed into one who loves and accepts unconditionally all that I am given - in terms of challenges, opportunities, insights, gifts, blessings, relationships and burdens. I know, it is easier said than done... But the thing is, we are always wiser in hindsight. We can see things with a clarity we did not have when we were deep in a situation. Or, we might not ever see the experience for what it was - or what it gave birth to. More often than not, the choice is ours. I know I will never be perfect. I know I will fail at times. But I choo...