In the Heart There is No Distance

In the heart, there is no distance or time...

These words come to me on a walk mere days before I am off to see a friend move on to the next chapter of her life...

There is sadness on this walk, and a feeling of impending loss. But the angels whisper in my ear:

In the heart, there is no distance or time...

I drive into the mountains and country on a magnificent and glorious day - the air so crisp and clean, I can almost taste it, and there is not a cloud in the sky. My heart is overflowing with gratitude and appreciation for this sacred time with a mystical companion.

It is the Feast of St Julian of Norwich, whose sacred mantra has fed my soul for decades:

"All shall be well,
and all shall be well,
and all manner of thing shall be well."

My dear friend and soul companion and I, often ended our conversations with this gentle reminder through many challenges and trials and tribulations. Tonight, we will light tea candle holders with this beautiful prayer and affirmation.

I arrive to her beautiful abode and the neighboring horses come over to great us. They have been shy in the past, but today they gleefully gallop towards us. We feed them carrots and I thank them for being watchful sentinels over my dear friend, during this year and half of sacred solitude and healing in her journey. These magnificent beings bow their heads in humble acknowledgement of my most sincere gratitude.

My soul companion and I share deep and important insights in an evening that is nothing short of magical, covering an incredible amount of territory, wrapped in the healing mantel of our unconditional love and mutual support. We spend hours in deep and probing honesty, sharing fine wine, as we have for so many years in the past...

In the heart, there is no distance or time...

The next day flows magically and effortlessly, as we step into one synchronicity after the other... We are gifted with many blessings, insights, and animal and angel visitations.

We have so much to share, that is given freely, with exquisite music as a backdrop. This is not a time for goodbye, but a time for opening the door the joy!

I buy a wreath for my home on one of our outings. It will be a gentle reminder of this time and of my spiritual friend's admonition to open the doors of my heart to joy and to release all that holds me back - to speak my truth - and step into the currents of grace and freedom that will be the gifts of my inner work...

In the heart, there is no distance or time...

We do not say goodbye. We thank each other for the gift of each other's presence in our lives - for every little thing, knowing that somehow, we will see each other soon - because in a thousand miles there is no distance, and there is no time in the heart in that loves, cherishes, and forgives and prays. There is only the present moment...

In the heart, there is no distance or time...

I drive home. There are no tears. There is no sadness, because the doors to joy have been swung wide open!


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