Animal Offerings

Messages come in many ways - if we have the ears to listen, the eyes to see, and the heart to feel...

I receive several of them on a walk this week, and it has taken me days to reflect on them and explore their meaning for me...

The day is beautiful - cool, crisp, and lit up by a brilliant blue, and cloudless sky. I am anxious to get going and commence my daily litany of prayers, meditations, and dialogue with the Other Side...

Almost immediately, I am stopped by a beautiful doe several feet in front of me. I glanced to look at my feet momentarily - and when I looked back up - there she was, seemingly having materialized out of thin air.

I look at her - and she peers at me very intently. I begin to speak to her - heart to heart and soul to soul.

She listens, and almost seems to nod, and then takes a few steps toward me. I do not move, afraid of scaring her away, so we continue our dance of beholding one another and communicating silently.

She moves off to the side, gracefully for a few paces and munches some leaves off of a tree. Every other bite - she stops and looks back at me - as if asking: "Are you still watching? Look at me!" But of course I am! I am entranced and surprised she seems not afraid in the least of my presence, as easily startled as deer can be.

Again, she takes some more steps toward me. She stops. Takes more steps. And I wonder, how close should I let her come? She seems fearless. I am not so sure that I am.

I am oblivious to the passing time, but finally I realize it is time to continue on my walk so I slowly begin to move away. She, on the other hand, does not move. She continues peering intently. 

Periodically I turn to look back and see her standing there - still looking...

I continue on, and encounter a very fat robin. He will not budge from the path either - and will not fly away. So I walk around him...

A little later I am walking by the area where the robin was and I see a big black feather on the ground. I debate whether to leave it there or pick it up, but sense that it is meant for me.

I come home and look up the animal totem meaning of deers, and the various birds this feather could have belonged to:

The deer reminds me that I am sensitive and intuitive - it also recalls gentleness, and the ability to change and be in touch with life's mysteries. It evokes qualities of the heart, where I seem to have been abiding so very deeply in, these last few weeks and months.

The feather is reminiscent of changes and transformations, and indeed so many of them are taking place. It speaks of a higher perspective, and of magic, intuition as well, and the ability to change and adapt. It invites me to raise the frequency of my vibration to circumvent whatever is holding me back. And it invites me to develop my insight even more deeply during these troubled times.

Other meanings and attributes that are referenced include: loyalty, seriousness, patience, cleanliness, perception, and resourcefulness...

I must use all of my senses for the highest good and to help navigate the unchartered waters before me, in pursuit of my highest benefits...

When such a feather appears as a gift, it is a sign that transmutation and change has already begun. And it reminds me that it's owner is a teacher, as am I. It also reminds me that I am in the midst of spiritual rebirth. This requires a cleansing, and I reflect on the old and unhealthy patterns I must purge and release. I must bring all things into the Light and must stay true to my inner voice.

I resonate with these messages, and all the rest that I receive, knowing full well that much is transpiring in my life and soul...

While I have felt alone in my endeavors, I know that I am truly not. So many signs of late have reminded me of the companionship that is all around me - perhaps not always in the way I would like - but it is there nonetheless...

And the offering of three animals and their magic drove this message home!


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