Let Love Flow from Your Heart

We live in troubling times...

We live in sad times...

In a time of much despair...

But, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other. We have forgotten that at our essence we are Love. And we can shine that love. We can increase the Love that is on this planet. We can make a difference...

Every book I pick up recently has the same message.

The world needs your love and mercy. The world needs your kindness. We come into this world as pure love, but we forget who we are at our essence.

So, let's take a moment right now to remember who we are.

Yes, right now!


Find a comfortable seat. Close your eyes...

Place one hand over your heart. And your other hand over that one, as if you were holding or caressing your own heart...

Feel your beating heart. Listen to it...

Visualize that every heartbeat pluses with Love...

FEEL that Love!

Let it embrace you and saturate every fiber of your being...

FEEL it's warmth!

Your heart and body is filled to overflowing!

Now send that Love out! Send it to the farthest corners of the earth!

Visualize your loved ones and friends in need. Surround them with your love! Enfold them in Divine Love!

And then send to anyone who needs it most. Someone you don't know. Send it out - let if flow gracefully, knowing it reaches it's destination...

Surround that soul in a blanket of Love. Feel the Love pulsing within them...

You can do this, any time it is necessary... For yourself... For others...

Dare to transform this world one person, and one instant at a time!

Now sit quietly for a while in gratitude...

Give thanks for this amazing power of Love that you are at your essence. 

FEEL the warmth of this gratitude and of a deed well done!

Then go out into the world, and about your work, knowing that the fruits of your labor are far-reaching! It extends far beyond what you even realize!

(Photo courtesy of Veronica Martinez. Beach: Siesta Key)


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