Accept What Is

Accept what is.
As it is.
In this moment.

This is what comes to me on my drive back from my weekly meditation group.

it is an "aha!" moment!

It is an unexpected Eureka experience.

And all of it seems so crystal clear to me - and easy!

Except that it isn't.

But in the moment I held that thought - which came to me uninvited, it did seem so easy. 

I saw myself sitting contently - watching thoughts go by like clouds on a sunny day - thoughts coming and going. I simply observed them for a while, and then thought to myself: 

"All pain, and sadness comes to us 
because we do not accept what is. 
And really, that is all we have to do, 
 is simply accept what is. 
In this moment. 
And that moment. 
And EVERY moment. 

Could it really be that simple?

Well, there is only one way to find out! I will just have to try it! 

I will have to commit to letting things go by - and not trying to edit or change them, allowing things to be as they are, accepting them in the moment in which they are experienced. 

After all, nothing remains the same. Even the weather changes from moment to moment. 

And just as easily, our thoughts change from moment to moment. And so do our feelings. Sometimes we go from joy to sadness in moments, just because of one random thought! We might even surprise ourselves by saying - "Whoa! How did that happen? How could I go from a smile to tears so quickly?"

Just for today,
Accept what is.
As IT is.
In that moment.

And see what happens!


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