The River Sleeps
Yours is the day,
Yours also the night;
You established the luminaries
and the sun,
You have fixed all the boundaries
of the earth;
You made summer and winter...
- Psalm 74
I approach the river with reverence...
The first flurries are coming down...
The River Sleeps...
So much stillness this morning...
So much peace...
Verses from a Spanish song come to me:
Al otro lado del rio
creo que oigo una voz
al otro lado del rio...
sobre todo no creo
que todo esta perdido...
tanta lagrima
y yo soy un vaso vacio...
oigo una voz que me llama,
casi un suspiro...
(I hear a voice
on the other side of the river...
all is not lost...
so many tears and I -
am an empty glass...
I hear a voice that calls to me -
barely a sigh...)
Create a clean heart O Lord,
in all of us this season.
May we all work, and pray,
and love and sleep
in Heavenly Peace.