Seeing Freshly

To move
Needing to be
Nowhere else.
Wanting nothing
From any store.
To lift something
You already had
And set it down in
A new place.
Awakened eye
Seeing freshly.
What does that do to
The old blood moving through
Its channels?
~ Naomi Shihab Nye ~

This was the poem sitting in my inbox this morning...

I cannot begin to tell you how it spoke to my heart..

These last few weeks and days, as I shared in my last post, have been punctuated by visible attempts to lighten my load and to being observant - what things do I need to shift in my space, both physically and energetically? I've listened to my intuition and followed its inner promptings.

Yesterday, on my walk, I received a profound insight. As I struggled with what I must do next in several areas of my life, a message unexpectedly came through for me very loud and clear. All along, I was focused on re-making myself - or re-imagining my work, my online presence, and so forth. But all of a sudden everything was so crystal clear. It was about letting go of it all and moving forward in the newness of things in more ways than one and creating something entirely new...

Maybe it was the twisting and the detoxing and change of the season, which as I shared with my yoga students today, often affects us not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. After all - yoga teaches that body, mind, and spirit are all one...

Yesterday was truly a turning point in ways I cannot fully explain right now because things are in process and evolving in this very moment. All I can say is - I had an "aha!" moment and I am very excited about some future prospects.

I shared the poem with my class today. I also shared the quote that follows. Maybe it will speak to you - as it spoke to me...


"When you refrain from habitual thoughts and behavior, the uncomfortable feelings will still be there. They don’t magically disappear. Over the years, I’ve come to call resting with the discomfort “the detox period,” because when you don’t act on your habitual patterns, it’s like giving up an addiction. You’re left with the feelings you were trying to escape. The practice is to make a wholehearted relationship with that.


Unknown said…
I've been moving through a similar space lately. The old things seem so far behind me, but nothing new has really gelled yet. I keep thinking that I need to set goals and deadlines, but something keeps telling me "not yet". That same something keeps feeding me little tidbits of things I need just to reassure me that there is a purpose to waiting, and things are actually growing underground where I can't see them -- yet.
Olga Rasmussen said…
I know what you mean Nancy. I am feeling the same. Resonate with the "not yet." Sit with it for a while - meditate - and the answers will come!

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