Love One Another
"We clasp the hands of those who go before us." ~ Wendell Berry I am somewhat jolted out of my dream state, that is both vivid and lucid - having been visited by two wise beings that have passed on - one over a half century ago and a relative, and the other, a nun I worked with, thirty-some years ago. I feel their presence - their eyes fixed upon me. It all seems so real, and then I am awake. In response I am moved to make a special post on social media: "Today, let us create a circle of healing energy. Receive if needed, Put some into the circle - If you can give. Let's Light up the world!" I sit quietly in church, reflecting on my dream, receiving many insights about my visitation at this moment in time, and am moved profoundly. I also send healing energy to my healing circle, filling it up for all those who may need of it. The chosen readings of the day stun me, and I see the connection between my dream and the messages received, an...