Moving from Doing to Being

I am moving...

Not physically. At least not yet.

But I AM moving and flowing - from doing to being...

It is part of letting go on a bigger scale - of all the things I once thought defined me...

Of all the things that once brought me joy, but no longer do...

On my brisk fall walk this morning, I realized, that I am moving from doing to being... I am letting go of one - and becoming the other. I am moving and flowing from doing INTO being...

I no longer want schedules, or appointments tying me down...

I let go of "shoulds" and "having to" with great abandon, and supplant them instead, with "I want to." This presupposes living in the moment...

I go through my house, and find new homes for articles that will still bring joy and be of use to friends who are educators and at the forefront of shaping a new generation...

I give thoughtful consideration to what I have, and to whom it may still be of use...

Yes, I let go...

Of collections and what I considered prizes...

It is a time of endings, which precedes new beginnings...

I realize there are things I will never do again...

I must let go - if I am to truly move and flow into more being, and less doing...

That is how it must be for now - it is how it must start...

Until the day I wake up, in a truly spartan home and life, and realize I have fully and completely moved and flowed from doing into being...


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