Love One Another

"We clasp the hands
of those who go before us."
~ Wendell Berry

I am somewhat jolted out of my dream state, that is both vivid and lucid - having been visited by two wise beings that have passed on - one over a half century ago and a relative, and the other, a nun I worked with, thirty-some years ago.

I feel their presence - their eyes fixed upon me. It all seems so real, and then I am awake.

In response I am moved to make a special post on social media:

"Today, let us create a circle of healing energy.
Receive if needed, Put some into the circle -
If you can give.
Let's Light up the world!"

I sit quietly in church, reflecting on my dream, receiving many insights about my visitation at this moment in time, and am moved profoundly. I also send healing energy to my healing circle, filling it up for all those who may need of it.

The chosen readings of the day stun me, and I see the connection between my dream and the messages received, and the  coming homily as well... (Paraphrases mine):

"Thus says the Lord,
You shall not wrong the foreigner 
or widow or the orphan..."

"Whosover loves and keeps my word,
will be loved as well..."

What are the greatest commandments?

"You shall love the Divine with everything you have -
with all your heart and soul."

"And you shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Ah! I know in that very instant, I came to this Mass at this time, to hear this - for it is the essence of the messages received.

The homilist shares a poignant story, and I could not have imagined being moved any deeper...

He tells us of a time having dinner with friends at a very nice restaurant. In comes an elderly couple - the man obviously in need of care. His wife lovingly helps him sit and eat, feeding him and attending to his every need. At some point, she realizes she is being observed, and tells the homilist and his friends at their table, that it is their 50th wedding anniversary.

"You shall love your neighbors as yourself."

What does this mean? You shall treat strangers and loved ones as if they were the Divine. You shall make every act of yours an act of Love - and you shall be as the Divine is to you.

You shall let go of all hurts - forgiving all those that have hurt you. This is what it means to love.

My homilist's table arranges to pay for the meal...

I think of all the ways that I could love more deeply. I think of all the ways and all the times that I have not - and express my sorrow.

Love one another...

There is no greater commandment. There is no greater act. There is no greater way to embody Love or the Divine.

And I thank the souls that visited me, my guides and angels who led me here today. And I leave repeating my mantra for the day, and truly every day:

Love one another.
Love one another.
Love one another!

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt


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