Awakening from Chaos

The river is wide this morning - and still restless...But not as much as yesterday...

My eyes are magnetically drawn to the shores on the other side...

I hear and remember a message given to me almost a year ago when this journey began:

"Trust that this river
is taking you
to the ocean
of the unimaginable..."

Trust always came easy - but now it is more illusive...It has asked so much...

I think of watching Oprah yesterday for the first time in months - publicly sharing a precious note received from Marianne Williamson on her 50th birthday. She reads it in Marianne's presence as they both hold hands - Oprah dissolving in tears...

The eloquent note reminds that there are angels at the hand of God who eagerly stand ready to help each and every one of us - in any way they can. They help direct our steps and steer us onto the path of everlasting joy...

I take comfort in this and think of how messages come to us from everywhere - if we only have the eyes to see and the ears to hear...

I go out and buy Eckhart Tolle's book - The New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. I internally hear there are messages and lessons in this book that will be of great benefit...

In the late evening I am drawn to check my messages one last time before sitting and I unexpectedly find two from angels sent from God on a very silent and still day of so much introspection amidst so much necessary inner and outer work...

I am reminded I am not alone - even though the path may feel that way at times...

One angel reminds me we are connected in Freedom, and Consciousness, and Love...

The other - a former concert pianist - is also the voice - who unwittingly becomes an instrument for the Voice:

"Not a string untuned,
not a note amiss
How complete the
When love awakens
from chaos
And embraces eternity."

One final commentary is given - and it is surely meant for us all to imbibe:

"As your heart heals,
know for sure...
like the words above,
love will awaken from chaos.
What is this moment
of a lifetime
when eternity awaits?"

I sit and offer prayers for loved ones traveling tomorrow...Lord, keep them safe...

I am reminded to see with Divine Eyes - and to be still - and know that this lifetime is just one more road stop on the way to Eternity...


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