For God Alone - More and Better

Sri Gyananmata on quietly practicing the presence of God within:

"It can always be deeper."

"There is a mistake that we all need to guard against. A few days of happiness, of bliss, do not mean that the fight is over; it has to be waged again and again and again against our only real enemy, the self."

"The years pass in review before me, and leave me with two thoughts: The work performed by me - it could have been so much better done. My devotion to God and Guruji - it could have been so much deeper. The flame burning in my heart could have burned so much higher, have been so much brighter, so much more intense, if my only constant prayer had been: 'Change me.'"

To Paramahansa Yogananda:

"I have found a beautiful way to direct the mind to God. It is your poem, 'God! God! God!' Just the repetition of the Holy Name. How simple, and just suited to my present state."

Tomorrow, one last entry...


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