Highway to God

Yesterday, I spoke at length to a dear therapist friend who gave me a wonderful insight. We were discussing the nature of relationships and our experiences of meditation.

At one point he shared, that all longing we have in our most significant relationships is really a longing for God. Indeed, all of our relationships - whether they are ones we truly feel fulfilled in or not - are simply a highway to God.

In other words, when we love someone very deeply and yet feel estranged from that person - we should be able to look deeply into their eyes - and see past them to God - for that person is really showing us the way there, in their own unique way, and through the lessons they are in our lives to teach.

Even in relationships where we are totally happy and we feel totally satisfied - we still need to look into the eyes of that person - and realize that they too are a highway to God. For no human relationship can ever be an end in itself. We are not meant to find our total fulfillment in another human being.

My friend suggested taking all of that feeling that embraces and warms us when we are in love and directing it towards God - and as I have become so fond of repeating in meditation - realizing that God alone suffices. Truly, every longing for fulfillment in a human relationship - whether we acknowledge it or not - recognize it or not - is simply our deepest desire to be in union with the Divine. We are simply remembering our home and our true nature.

I found myself pondering these insights very deeply last night as I meditated, and found that it helped me to shift some energy in various situations that were so in need of it.

I have also been drawn to meditate longer and more deeply of late, so I have not written as much in the last few days. Many of the postings on Twitter that have spoken to me today, have been on the topic of silence - which is so fundamental to the experience of meditation. I now realize, that silence too - provides a direct highway to God...

"Nothing in all creation
is so like God, as silence."
~ Meister Eckhart

"Don't consider what strangers say.
Be secluded in your secret heart house,
that bowl of silence."
~ Rumi

"Make me Silent,
that I may eloquently
converse with Thee."
~ Paramhansa Yogananda

"Love is the silent conversation
between two souls."
~ Yogananda

"The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind."
~ Caroline Myss

"In silence and stillness we are only empty
of who we are not...
the space resounds with who we truly are,
oneness and LOVE!
~ PureLoveEnergy

"The eye of a silent heart
will see into great depths,
and the ears of a silent mind
will hear untold wonders."
~ St. Hesychius

"If silence is the doorway,
then love is the key."
~Leonard Jacobson


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