Imagine...For a Moment
I received this recently via email. It was written by David Ault, and is a beautiful reminder of what it means to be in the present moment and all that it could offer... For a Moment For a moment every eye sees a petal begin its journey from stem to ground. and in that thimble full of time where all worry becomes extinct - all futurizing over what might be or what could happen ceases, then the world, in relaxation, unites in the joy of the now. Yes, imagine for a moment there is no worry. For a moment every inhale welcomes wellness and the world feels relief from the accompanying pains of disease. The air hums with the sigh of billions expressing their collective relief. Yes, imagine for a moment there is no pain. For a moment everybody wins and the victory circle is electric with the hugs, handshakes and prayerful bows of authentic acknowledgment. It is the delicious moment when every mind with every heart conceives the truth that there is more than enough for all. Yes, imagine a mome...