Solstice Prayer

Yesterday, I went to my friend Bob O'Mara's blog, and he had this beautiful prayer he offered for the Solstice which I want to share here. This is truly a wonderful prayer, for every season:

A Midwinter Prayer

"From the rising of the midwinter sun
to its setting,
Scatter the darkness
with the light of your love,
O Shining One.

Make me short on mean thoughts,
long on offers of words of comfort.
Make me short on being driven,
long on paying attention.

Make me short on focusing only on my own,
long on looking beyond.
Make me short on obsessive thoughts,
long on spontaneous acts of kindness.

Make me short on mindless activity,
long on time to reflect.
Make me short on tradition as a habit,
long on rediscovery and re-owning.

Make me short on rushing or tiring,
long on walking and wondering.
Make me short on false, festive jollity,
long on stilling and rooted joy.

Make me short on guilt,
long on being merciful to myself.
Make me short on being overwhelmed,
long on peaceableness as I set forth this day."

~ From The Celtic Wheel of the Year
by Tess Ward

For Bob's blog, visit:
A Time to RE-FIND self


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