What I Have Learned and What I Know

Every once in a while, your house is shaken to its very foundation...

The ground beneath you starts to yield. It feels like quick sand...

But, if you stand tall in your Light and your connection to the One, then you weather IT. You weather everything. I believe that...

And this is only partially what I have learned - what I know - and what has been brought to the Light...

Love is stronger than fear...

What affects the one - affects the many. And what affects the many - affects the one...

Light and Love prevail...

Everything is not what it seems. What is unreal can be real - and what is real can be unreal...

And nothing real can be threatened...

Always err on the side of compassion...

We are here to learn - if we choose to do so...

Community sustains. We are part of a whole...

We are accountable for what we do to others and what we do to ourselves...

We are here to shine our light into distant corners...

Silence is not always golden - unless it is used for self reflection...

Forgiveness is part of love, and everything can be forgiven...

Healing is always possible...

To whom much is given, much is asked...

We are all free - to be - you and me...

For every action - there is an equal and opposite reaction...

Whatever is uttered reverberates eternally...

To err is human, to forgive is divine...

We are responsible for our actions and the pain we cause others...

No one is infallible...

No one has a cornerstone on the truth...

No one is perfect...

There is a way, and it is the way of the heart...

And the way of the heart is Love...

We come to know Love in true, and dedicated practices. In our commitment to something greater than ourselves. And in community, where we must be held accountable...

Your greatest love and greatest enemy often hold up the mirror to where you need to do the work...

Ask, and you shall receive...

And all, ultimately shall be well...

I do believe all of this, and so much more...


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