Who Am I?

I step out early to get the newspaper, and I am greeted by a spectacular sun-kissed morning...

I ask myself, "where am I?" Because it feels like heaven! Everything is vibrantly alive!

I hear birds chirping and it feels like spring...

I hear a Voice within that affirms, "it is now springtime in my soul..."

The newness of this day, is a striking contrast to the beginning of yesterday - which in turn was the end of the situation that consumed my life - eating me alive for almost two weeks. Today, that is now behind me. Today, somehow feels refreshing, but also unsettling, and yet still pregnant with unimagined possibilities and incredible freedom...

Where do I go from here?

And then I ask - that famous question poised by Sri Nisargatta Maharaj - "Who am I?"

I am not my degrees...

I am not my credentials...

I am not this body, or this ethnicity, or this age...

I am not the style of yoga that I taught...

I not this religion or that one...

I am not what someone else wanted me to be...

I am none of the things that I think I am - and yet, I AM THAT!

Today, I have the opportunity to begin again. I have the opportunity to be - whomever I wish to be - and do - whatever I wish to do - and teach - in whichever way feels right and genuine and truly comfortable - from my heart, from MY truth and not anyone else's...

Today, I begin to explore and seek the Eternal Answer to the question "Who am I?" And, "to Whom do I belong?"

I pursue this sacred inquiry, within the context and framework of a nascent springtime in my soul...


Jen Mueller said…

We have that opportunity every day, but isn't it great on the days we remember?

Olga Rasmussen said…
So true Jen! We just sometimes forget!

Love to you,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this post. It has been a nice reminder for me half way through my day. In fact, it must be the theme for my life right now as I read a similar article this morning saying the same thing.

Thank you and congrats on this new day, this new moment! Who are you? Who will you become?

love it! Diane

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