I Am My Sister's Keeper

I am my sister's keeper...

And my brother's as well...

We are all interconnected on so many levels - those levels that are seen - and those that are unseen...

I think of this, as I go out for breakfast one morning this week, and leave a five dollar tip for the waitress who so attentively took care of me. The bill only amounts to $8.59, but I know this is not easy work at times. Though I frequent this establishment regularly, I've never had this server before. On my way out, as I am settling my bill, she seeks me out, and with a big and beautiful smile, she thanks me for the tip. It makes my day, for in touching her - she touches me. I am her keeper, and she is mine - and we are one...

I think of this, as so many dear sister soul friends face situations where their whole lives are being turned upside down and refashioned, by circumstances outside of their control...

I think of this, as dear friends face surgery, or its aftermath, and a mother and wife remakes a life on her own... I listen to her plight, reminded, that there by the grace of God - go I, and for the first time I truly understand the burden she has carried so silently for so many years...

I think of this, as I see the homeless man holding up his handmade sign, walking up and down the grass median by a stoplight, and I am moved to silently offer prayers for him and whatever his situation may be...

I think of this, as I consider all those I know right now undergoing tremendous struggle or loss, and all that it might entail and the demands these souls may be facing...

I think of this, as I remember an insight I received recently - that nothing is really as it may seem to me - and that I do not really know - what I often think I know...

I think of this, in deepest prayer and meditation, when I often remind myself - that though much may seem to separate us ideologically and culturally - there is so much more we have in common...

I think of this, as I recently mended fences with individuals from my past, and as I released myself from other connections that were no longer serving me...

I am my sister's keeper - because to whom much is given - much is asked...

But I am also keeper to every brother - and neighbor - and friend. I am also keeper to those with whom I do not see - eye to eye - and even with those who have intentionally or unconsciously wished me harm. I am a keeper to every living soul... In my heart of hearts I know - that every action that hurts me or others - is really a cry for love...

I am a keeper to all - to those that I find easy to respond to - and to those that I don't... I pray, with God's strength to do God's work and bidding amongst all his people - as best as I am able to do...


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