The Beginning of a New Day

"This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or grow in its light
and be of service to others.
But what I do with this day is important because
I have exchanged a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever.
I hope I will not regret the price I paid for it."
~ Anonymous

This morning the river looked different. Because of recent rains, it was swollen, and yet paradoxically calm at the same time. The currents were deceptively visible in a very understated way. I would have liked to have gone paddling, but I had a lot to attend to...

It was simply glorious - sunny - and just slightly cool - that kind of day that is both cool and warm at the same time - straddling two seasons - a last gasp of summer welcoming the nascent harvest time of autumn. I did my Reiki and Lovingkindness meditations and sent healing energy to a small list of souls very much in need of physical and spiritual healing right now...

Tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox and the length of the day shall seamlessly blend into the fabric of the night - rendering each of them equal in length of time. From here on end the days become shorter as we head towards the Winter Solstice. It is officially the end of summer...

I love the change of the seasons. Each one brings us a different gift. It has been a year of incredible changes for me - and so many others in my life as well. I am now easing into a schedule that is slower, more open, less stressful, and with ample opportunities for self care, and simply being spontaneous. And as I do this, I notice my muscles are less tight, and I have less pain in my body. As a dear friend noted last week, I have not been as happy in a long time. I think she is right. It is a time for me to be present - and all that entails - in a much deeper way...

Though the year brought its challenges, and heart aches, I can truly say it also brought me many blessings and afforded me with many opportunities for growth. I noted all of this, as I took in the sights at the river this morning. Yes, even the river seemed truly different as it heralds a new time and a new way of living and being...

"A woman in harmony with her spirit
is like a river flowing.
She goes where she wills without pretense
and arrives at her destination prepared
to be herself, and only herself."
~ Maya Angelou


Unknown said…
Isn't it great? That's the one thing that people have been telling me this year as well: "You look so much happier." May your happiness go on and on.

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