Slouching Towards Fall

September has arrived, and we are slouching towards fall...

I think of this, on my walk, as I examine the first of the leaves that have fallen from the trees, partially due to the drought conditions of this summer, but also partially due to the exhaustion these trees have experienced during the hottest summer on record...

With the coming fall season we release the past season, ever mindful that it a time for both endings and new beginnings...

Angeles Arriens, in her book, Living in Gratitude, writes about this time of year:

"In September, we reenter our daily lives from a renewed place and move forward into full engagement. We are able to see more clearly our blessings and our learnings, and we experience the gratitude that naturally results. And we seek opportunities to bring our lives into congruence with the new perspectives we have gained..."

It is also a time to recommit to goals, choices we may have abandoned or forgotten, and implement needed changes for the coming season...

Arriens quotes Mike Robbins who wrote of five principles of appreciation, and I think that these are good suggestions for me to cultivate this fall:

"...Be grateful;
choose positive thoughts and feelings;
use positive words;
acknowledge others;
appreciate yourself.."

As I boldly go forth into this new season of life - indeed - unlike any other - I am reminded to be gentle with myself as I forge my path and give way to a new way of being...

Arrien continues:

"In September, as summer fades and we turn to embrace autumn's great bounty and gifts, we enjoy a renewed perspective of the seasons of life. We are motivated to make time to identify and explore what lies at our life's center, and our resulting awareness brings opportunities to investigate new pathways to a better life. Opening to guidance and wisdom in a variety of ways affords us greater access to the infinite power of love and gratitude."

This fall, may you explore new realms and pathways - and find your stride among life's many opportunities. Every day is a gift, and this new season also invites us to dive more deeply within!


Affirming Healing said…
Walking in the rhythms of the seasons.

For Presence

Awaken to the mystery of being here
and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.
Have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.
Receive encouragement when new frontiers beckon.
Take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek
no attention.
Be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.
May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven
around the heart of wonder.

~ John O'Donohue ~
Olga Rasmussen said…
Ah! Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece by John O'Donohue!


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