Unity in Diversity

I believe in unity...

And I believe in diversity...

I also believe there is unity in diversity...

At the heart of things, I believe we are all one...

Every woman, man and child on this planet, are interrelated...

I believe in Dr. Spock's theology - that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...

I believe that we all want the same things - love, liberty, well-being, health - and the pursuit of happiness...

I believe there is more that unites us - than divides us...

I believe that at our core - we are all the same...

I believe that we can all get along...

I believe in community...

I believe we can work together...

The Dalai Lama once said - that he had never met a stranger...

We can all be Good Samaritans...

I believe we can reach out and touch one another - and that when we do - we touch ourselves...

I believe this - because I believe in God - and I believe that each one of us - is made in the image and likeness of God...

I believe in unity...

And I believe in diversity...

And I believe that you - and I - will always be ONE...


Affirming Healing said…
You do not believe alone. Two hands - a right and a left fit so well as two creating one.

"In Lak' ech' - you are my other me.


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