God Speaks to the Soul

This is an interesting time of the year to go visit the river because there are many boaters and people who go to the park and the boat launch in particular. Some park in their cars, talking on cell phones, often smoking - others sit in their cars with the windows down and music blaring. It seems rather odd to me and it defeats the purpose of seeking stillness and silence and connecting with nature. It certainly is a reminder that we are all at different stages of awareness - or lack thereof. I even notice the birds are very quiet during those times...

Last night I came across this beautiful poem by Mechtilde of Magdeburg, a 13th century Beguine and mystic...

God Speaks to the Soul

"And God said to the soul:
I desired you before the world began.
I desire you now
As you desire me.
And where the desires of two come together
There love is perfected.


Lord, you are my lover,
My longing,
My flowing stream,
My sun,
And I am your reflection.


It is my nature that makes me love you often,
For I am love itself.
It is my longing that makes me love you intensely,
For I yearn to be loved from the heart.
it is my Eternity that makes me love you so long,
For I have no end."

I thought of my recent workshop on the Bhagavad Gita, and how this wonderful book is a love song that God sings to us as he pines for the only thing he does not have and which only we can freely give - our love...


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