Giving Voice to the Inner Voice

Three weeks ago, a tsunami rocked my Anusara yoga community. This morning, it sort of reminded me of an antique vase shattering after watching an episode of "Downton Abbey" last night. Once it shatters, you can never put the pieces back together again. Like Humpty Dumpty. At least, not in the same way. Not ever.

The interesting thing that I've noticed - and many others have as well - is that either we've found our own voices - and all of a sudden feel free to teach with more authenticity, and creativity - and by not judging ourselves against a "checklist." And this is certainly, always a good thing...

On various blogs and pages, I read time and time again how many individuals are giving voice to their inner Voices... And this is shared, by teachers who have resigned, and those who haven't - choosing instead to wait and see...

So, in the midst of so much chaos - internally and externally - many teachers are feeling more empowered. And again, this is a good thing.

I realize, that this community will never again be the "vase" it once was. But growth often takes us down different paths. Who can really say - they have practiced this or that - or taught this or that - or believed in something all of their lives?

I started life thinking I would teach theology for the rest of my life. Until my own beliefs were at variance with some of what I had to represent. I could not stand in integrity and still represent the institutions I worked for.

Though I never formally "resigned" Anusara, choosing instead a "sabbatical" - and by that I mean I did not send in a formal resignation to Anusara - it doesn't seem to matter anyway. I have been on several lists of "resigned" folks floating around and my name has "mysteriously" disappeared from the directory anyway. Does that matter? Not really. The directory is not accurate in more ways than one...

But does it matter to me? Not really... Does it change who I am or what I am - or what I do or what I teach or who my friends are and what I care about? Not really...

One of the things that I have learned through this process is that things are not always what they seem. In these last few weeks we all have shown ourselves at our best and sometimes at our worst.

What I do know - is that for the first time there isn't just one voice that predominates - but that each and everyone is articulating his or her own perspective - no longer afraid of being outside "a circle of trust" or "inner circle" or whatever it might be. People are speaking out - speaking their minds - and teaching more authentically. People are questioning everything - examining everything...

People are giving voice to the Inner Voice, and that is ALWAYS a good thing!


Great blog. Your on my blog roll. Thanks for shining the light
Olga Rasmussen said…
Thank you Kimberly, and blesings!


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