Relax! You Are Not in Charge!

Do you ever feel like you need to change everything? Like you have to make the world better? And that somehow, you are responsible for everything that happens? Whether it is good or back? REALLY? Stop and think about that for a moment... I feel like this ALL the time. But guess what? You are NOT in charge of the Universe! And neither am I! Sometimes I feel like I am responsible for all kinds of things - how my husband feels - or what decisions he makes - what choices other family members make - or their happiness. And let's face it - it can be quite burdensome to take on all of these things. When I taught theology many moons ago, I used to remind my students - when they got all stressed put and bent out of shape: One person took on all the sins of the world and well, we know how that turned out! So, here's the thing. No one appointed you anything. No one put you in charge of the Universe! However, we are in charge of ourselves. Of our lives. Of the choices we ...