Go Where the Love Is

I go on my morning walk, and I receive this message:

"Go where the Love is."

It is a simple message. A powerful one. And one that is not easy to digest or heed.

That is not to say, we abandon all the issues and concerns that need our attention. For we must put love and care into each one of them.

It does not mean that we let go of trying to make our corner of the world a better place. For that is all we can do - one person and one action at a time.

It does not mean that we ignore the state of the world and what is happening all around us. We need to stay awake and aware of what is going on without drowning in all the controversy and information.

On the contrary.

This simple dictate, as I interpreted, meant a lot to me on so many levels.

Often times we spend our time and energy on people and situations that do not nourish us. Or uplift us. Or support us. We might give and give - to the point of depletion while receiving very little in return. Or, there may be a sense of mutuality that is lacking in the relationships in question.

So ask yourself, what nourishes you? What feeds your soul and your life? Who are your people? Where is your tribe? What communities feed your essence? Then, go where they are!

Go where the Love is!

In times like these we must practice self care. We must surround ourselves with those who appreciate us and want to be with us!

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